5 Tips to Perform Exemplary Well on the IELTS Writing Test

5 Tips to Perform Exemplary Well on the IELTS Writing Test

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A lot of students think that it’s impossible to get a decent band on the writing test. This is why many students freak out after hearing the name of the IELTS writing test. However, there are many things that you can do to perform exemplary well on the test. Keeping this in mind today we are sharing with you the five tips to perform exemplary well in the writing test.

Understand the Task Correctly

It does not matter which writing task are you attempting. However, it is essential that you must clearly understand what the task is asking of you. Thus, you must give adequate time to understand the task before you start writing your answer. Most students make the mistake of not clearing understanding the task before attempting the question. As a result, they lose marks in the English proficiency exam. So, ensure that you understand the task clearly first before writing your answers. If you do this, you will be able to score high on the IELTS writing exam. To learn about various tips/strategies for performing your best in the language exam feel free to join the IELTS Coaching Institute in Delhi.

Structure Your Essay Appropriately

If you don’t want to lose marks in the writing test then you must structure your essay appropriately. Unclear or grammatically incorrect sentences can make you lose lots of marks on the writing test. However, if you plan your ideas properly and present them in a good manner then you can easily solve this problem. Yes, this might take a little time but it can help you a lot in scoring good marks on the IELTS test. Besides this, make sure you draw an outline before writing your answer. Why? Because it can help you in giving a good structure to your answer. So, make sure you give a good structure to your essay. If you do this you can effortlessly score good marks in the writing exam.

Focus on Your Language

Vocabulary and structure of answers can have a big impact on your score on the writing test. Thus, you must use correct vocabulary and give proper structure to your answers in the test. By doing this, you can easily impress the invigilator and get a high score on the writing exam. Moreover, make sure you avoid repeating the same words again and again while writing your answers. Why? Because it may leave a negative impression on the mind of the invigilator. As a result, you may unnecessarily lose marks during the writing test. So, make sure you focus on your vocabulary and give proper structure to your answers. Doing this will enable you to easily get a decent score in the International English Language Testing System writing exam.

Cross-Check Your Answer

Many students make the mistake of not cross-checking their answers in the writing test. However, this is something that you must avoid if you want to score high on the writing test. Yes, you get a very short amount of time for completing the writing test. But if you keep a few minutes aside for proofreading your answers then it can have a very big impact on your IELTS score. It will help you identify any grammar/spelling mistakes that might be present in your answers. As a result, you will be able to get a good score on the writing test. So, make sure you keep aside a few minutes for cross-checking your answers during the writing test.

Take Help from Experts

Despite giving your best in the exam you may find it hard to get a good score in the writing exam. However, if you take the help of experts and join our IELTS Online Coaching you can easily solve this problem. By joining these classes, you will get to learn about the writing test in depth. Besides, this you will learn about the best ways to tackle various sorts of questions in the writing exam. As a result, you will be able to effortlessly pass the writing test with a decent score. So, make sure you don’t rely only on online resources to prepare for the writing exam. Instead, enroll yourself in online/offline IELTS classes. This will make it a kid’s play for you to pass the writing test with a good score.


As you can see there are a lot of things that you can do to get a good score on the IELTS writing test. So, make sure you keep all these things in your mind if you want to pass the writing test with a decent score. If you follow all the above writing exam tips you will be able to effortlessly pass the writing test with a good band.


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