Finding Problem On Your Website With Google Analytics

Finding Problem On Your Website With Google Analytics

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Google Analytics is one of the most useful things that help you with how users are using your business website. Apart from that, it is also an incredible way where you can find the most identifying problems that users are encountering while they are there.

There are several notifications that you will get from Google analytics while your website has problems, such as error page hits, notifications to your account, and so on.

In this case, you need to fix the potential problems that your website is facing. In this article, we are going to discuss the problems on your website with Google Analytics.

The Ways Where You Can Find Problems On Your Website With Google Analytics

Below we have discussed finding problem areas on your website with Google analytics.

1) Identify Sudden Traffic Drops
As you monitor the data, then you need to pay attention to the sudden downward fall in your site traffic. In this case, your site’s visitor number will go down, or your site will not function properly. If you receive on a regular basis 100 sessions and those suddenly fall to zero, then it is an indication of something going wrong.

When you see an unexplained drop-off in traffic numbers, or it is the complete lack of traffic or just simply downwards the number of sessions than normal, then you have to understand your website’s issue. In this case, if you see 0 sessions occur on your website, then it is an indication of the site going down. In this case, these indications have been displayed in a graph form on the google analytics site.

In this case, on the basis of this data, you can further research to see if your site has actually gone down or not. Moreover, you can also see how many people didn’t get access to your website. In this case, you can check your website with several website developers or hosting companies to recover from the sudden drop.

There will be several reasons for your website’s sudden go downward, like registration may have expired, servers may have gone down, or maybe your site is getting hacked. Therefore you can recover your website by impairing or altering the analytics tracking code.

2) Watch Your Notifications
Google Analytics will show you notification warnings and possible errors that are occurring on your website. You will see these appear in the notification, which is the “bell” icon, and it will be at the upper side of the screen corner. Some of these site errors are related to user experience and SEO factors.

One of the errors is the “redundant hostname” warning, which indicates that people are using the same page by using www. Or without it. This is an issue that can occur because of SEO. You can do this through a domain provider, or else you can work with the developer to get out of this issue.

Another one of the most common notifications that you will get is the notification alert. In this case, you will receive on form submission, and it could also indicate problems with s formation of the form on your site. Apart from that, if you didn’t receive any form, then you can test the form, or you have to identify that it is not working properly.

Not all notifications will indicate the errors, but they can serve as red flags and double-checking errors. In this case, you have to review these notifications and ensure that you promptly identify them. In this way, you can correct errors that are related to your site.

3) Look for 404 Page Sessions
Another indication of your website error is a 404 page error. In this situation, you have to thoroughly check your website’s URL. Therefore you have to go to the all-page report and check why this happens.

Google analytics data will show you how many people are unable to enter your website because of the navigation error.


We have discussed finding problem areas on your website with Google analytics. Google analytics not only helps you with the websites’ results but also gives you detailed information about your website. In this case, while you are running an online business, then it will not be possible to run without using google analytics.

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