
6 SEO Strategies To Rank Your Blogs on Google

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Are you a creative writer who wants to make your blog get ranked on Google? If yes, relax; you are at the correct place to get the required details. Sharing your valuable points with the readers is good, but you must concentrate on some key factors to rank your blog. Additionally, focus on the word count to make your blog convey the message within the limit. You can use a free word counter online to find the exact word, and character counts. At the same time, if you follow some SEO strategies, it will support you to get ranking your blogs on Google. Now, just read this article to gain all the strategies to make your dream come true. Let’s begin!

What is a Blog?

A blog is a shortened form of a weblog, and it means sharing opinions and thoughts to publish online. Businesses use blogs as a powerful marketing tool, and it supports brand growth. Writing a blog is complex; you need consistent dedication and effort. If you take time and write your blog by including the required details, it will surely support a lot to rank your blog on Google. Above all, a blog supports its readers to gain all the needed details.

1. Identify the Target Audience

Understanding the target audience is the first blog strategy that you want to implement. Check the behaviors and demographics of the users to target them. You should also focus on grammar to make the readers enjoy reading the content. If you consistently follow this as a priority strategy, it will support your growth well. So, always identify the users first and post your blog. If you work out this idea, it will help to grow your fame and name across the globe ahead.

2. Research and Add Keyword

Once you have identified the target audience, it’s time to research and add keywords to your blog. It is the most crucial factor that supports ranking your blogs on Google. Always check what the other competitors do and implement your idea. The reason is that it will give you basic knowledge on how they add a keyword. Above all, proper research is the best option for a blog writer to enhance the views. So, research well and add keywords, and it will only support you to make your blog rank at the top of the results page.

3. Choose the Best Blog Topic

The title of your blog will be read by the audience initially. So, to make the first impression best, choosing the best blog Topic is crucial. Remember that it should be with a limit of a few characters and be relevant to the subheadings. Many writers follow unique plans to upgrade their content to the next level. If you want to make your blog good and easy for people to find, then it is essential to keep your blog topic at the correct word count. If you focus and add the keyword phrase to your topic, your content can easily get ranked in Google.

4. Make it Readable

All users who visit your page will only read the content if it is in the correct format. Readers will also check the correct important aspects to continue reading a blog. So, you should be ready to make your blog convey a useful message. If you are struggling a lot, then check out the competitors first. It will give you ideas to make your blogs more readable and meaningful. You can also follow the basic steps mentioned below to make your blog look more interesting to the audience.

  • Ensure to add the subheadings so that it is very easy to skim.
  • Try to break the paragraphs as much as short. Each sentence should not exceed more than 4.
  • Use Numbered lists, bullets, and bold for all emphasis.
  • Add good-looking images, charts, and infographics to illustrate more points in your blog.
  • Additionally, add a keyword that supports you to get a rank on Google.

5. Focus on URL

URL structure matters a lot for SEO, and it is crucial. Just stuff your keywords into the URL of the blog. If you do, it will work well and enhance the chance of making your blog get a rank in the top results. If you mainly focus well on this, it will support your growth. People will also read the blog more often, and it will result in good. This is why all writers focus on the URL structure to make the users read the content. If you plan and concentrate, it will help to make your blog get more traffic than before.

6. Optimize the Elements

The quality of the content and keywords will increase the value and rank much faster. But as a writer, you must check some essential elements to improve your reach. They are meta titles and meta descriptions to make your blog better. These elements will assist you in optimizing and reaching your search rank. So, add a compelling keyword in the post title, meta titles, and meta descriptions. Focusing on these elements to include keywords will help your blog get a rank in the results on Google.

Last Glance

All writers nowadays mainly focus on every step they take to get their blog ranked in Google. So, it is vital for you as a writer to give them a tough fight. First, start to identify the target audience and keep it a priority. You can next research and find keywords to add to the blog. At the same time, try using a Check Word Counter to know the word count and enhance your writing style.

Choose the best blog topic to catch the user’s attention. Doing so will encourage the audience to read the content. Next, follow some basic formats and make your content more readable and valuable to the readers. Focus on URL structure as it is the main aspect of SEO. Last but not least, optimize elements like post titles, meta titles, and descriptions. If you plan and follow all these steps persistently, it will be easy to rank your blog on Google.

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